Christmas Eve 1954

Christmas Eve 1954

Monday, October 4, 2010

Old School Entertainment

Rebecca and I were talking at the reunion and the conversation took a turn when I recalled the snakes that the men would hang in the big oak tree- for some reason I recall that doing so would cause it to rain. Rebecca said that for entertainment at night, they would watch an owl swoop in and eat the snake.  Some people (not going to mention names to protect the guilty) would tie bottle rockets to tree frogs to see if they could fly. Thank goodness there was no such organization as PETA back then.

The annual showing of the Wizard of Oz was big entertainment especially hen Jiffy Pop was invented.  You  hoped to the the kid that got to shake the pie pan with the long handle around the hot eye of the stove.

Going to the drive-in to watch all of the Herbie Love Bug movies with the snack stash that mom put together was always good fun.

But nothing compared to the rassling matches that my brothers and I would have. Every Saturday night we would watch  Wahoo McDaniel fight Johnny Valentine or Roddy Piper and then try to recreate the moves. Since it was the three of us, one was always in the ring for the duration while the other two could tab in and out. Where were our parents?? 

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