Christmas Eve 1954

Christmas Eve 1954

Friday, October 8, 2010

Big Foot- The Dog

I do not know what type of breed Big Foot was, but I do know that he is the only dog I remember from my childhood.  I have no clue where he got his name from as his paws seemed pretty normal to me. He was always following someone or lying on the back porch steps hoping that some kid would sneak him a biscuit. Grandmother's biscuits were huge and it is a miracle he did not die of lard poisoning. He seemed to know how you were feeling and if you were not having the greatest day, he always seemed to be around more than normal. His bark would welcome you when you drove up and I am sure it scared away critters that did not belong around the house. He would keep you company when you were picking or pulling something from the garden.  After the homeplace was empty  he would make the trip  back and forth from the homeplace to Anse and Ethel's house on the Buffalo Shoals road. Mom shared this story with me- Charles Campbell was in Lincolnton and decided to drive by the homeplace. No one was living there but to his surprise Big Foot greeted him when he drove up. He told mom that just like people, animals must just want to go home too.

Great memories of a wonderful dog.

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