Christmas Eve 1954

Christmas Eve 1954

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Houser Reunion

Thanks to everyone that made this reunion happen. The location was beautiful, the food great but for me it was the opportunity to listen to the stories, learn some new things about relatives and have a chance to catch up that was the highlight.  I totally forgot to take any pictures so if anyone did, send them over and I will post them.

As Cindy stated, we have lost so many but hope that they were looking down and sharing the day with us. Hazeline was able to incorporate so many memories that celebrated her family I thought I would post her family quiz questions for everyone to see.

How much did Grandpa Houser get paid per load of sand hauled from his bottom land to build Startown Hwy?
50 cent
What was Grandpa Houser’s favorite food for Christmas morning breakfast if they were able to afford it?
Fried Oysters
What was Allen’s favorite food prepared by Grandma Houser? 
What meat dish did Grandma Houser prepare most Sundays so she could feed the whole family?
Boiled Chicken with white gravy
How did Grandpa serve his Christmas Fruit? 
Loaded a child’s wagon with oranges, apples and bananas and pulled it around the room.
What did the friends of the family look forward to most when coming to visit? 
Going swimming.
What treats did Grandma Houser have for the children when they came home from school? 
Tea Cake Cookies, Baked sweet potatoes or parched peanuts.
During cotton picking time what was the task when it rained?
Picking off peanuts in the grainary loft.
During winter months what activity took place at night for enjoyment by the whole family?
Boys had their friends over to “pick and play” musical instruments.
In the summertime what radio programs did Grandpa listen to on Sunday afternoons?
Earl Armstrong minister and the Chuckwagon Gang.
What were some of the games played by the men and boys on Sunday afternoons? 
Softball, wrestling, riding horses.
What happened on the Fourth of July at Grandma’s house?
EVERYBODY had to help pick and can green beans.
What were the favorite treats during the summer on Sunday afternoons?
Watermelons or home made ice cream.
What did Grandpa make a trip to South Carolina to buy for Grandma to can in the summertime?
What caused most of the grandchildren to have a scar on their chin? 
From the bench tipping when eating lunch?
What did Grandma do if you got a “giggling fit” when eating? 
Made you leave the table.
Who was most responsible for the “giggling fits? 
Allen Perkins, he would do something to get you tickled and then he would act innocent.
What did Grandma Houser do when bad storms came up and you were sleeping upstairs? 
She came to put the windows down and would sit on the bed with you until the storm passed.
Who was the “most petted child” of the nine Houser siblings? 
When Grandma was away what did Charlie always make? 
How was it possible that the whole family could spend Christmas eve at Grandma’s?  
Slept sideways in the beds and made pallets on the floor.
What was the tradition on Christmas eve for many years? 
Going to the Christmas Eve program at Marvin Church and sometimes Santa came while everyone was gone.
What different occupations did Grandpa Houser have during his lifetime
Farmed, mostly cotton and watermelons, worked in a cotton mill, owned a café and barber shop, owned a feed mill and was a carpenter of sorts.
What did Grandmother Houser like to do for everyone who came to visit?  
Prepare a meal.
Who came to visit each summer and brought his glove and baseball?
Charles Campbell

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